You’ve heard that LinkedIn is the most trusted social media platform for business. You believe your market is on there. But how do you get to them?

People buy from people, but what does that really mean? It means people need to get to know you. You need to build a rapport so they start to like and trust you. A well-constructed personal profile, supported by a good Company presence is your starting point. That needs to be backed up with your activity on the platform.

At Linked Business we help you leverage LinkedIn for your business. We work with you to put in the foundations of your profile and company page. Then we help you level up through content, engagement and messaging.

We support clients through:

☑ 15 minute problem solvers

☑ 45 minute profile reviews

☑ 1:2:1 direct support

☑ Online courses

☑ Group and 1:2:1 coaching

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